Ep 3 Show Notes

ER 1.4 "Hit and Run"

ER 1.5 "Into That Good Night"

The chaplains mention transference at work in some of the relationships between doctor and patient, as well as among the doctors. Some simple definitions of transference and countertransference such as those on Wikipedia may be helpful.

Over-identification with a patient can be problematic, as the chaplains discuss in Dr. Carter's care for a hit-and-run victim. This excellent blog post by a doctor explains the issue of over-identification very well.

Carrie mentions the stigma of a patient being labeled "noncompliant" and how easily that could have happened to Doug Ross's young asthma patient and her mother. This NYT editorial written by a doctor explores the complicated nature of noncompliance. 

The chaplains talk a lot in this episode about how dead bodies are treated in hospitals, the care that chaplains often take with bodies, and the Christian belief in incarnation. You can read Stacy's thoughts on these subjects in her blog post, M is for Morgue.

Stacy references this article about the diversity of "ER" both behind and in front of the cameras.